Reception 2024 - 2025

Miss Briggs


Welcome to Reception’s Class Page 2024-2025

Spring Term 2

Themes and Interests: Growing up - babies, generations, Health inc. oral health, Seasons- Spring, Easter, 

World Book Day, Comic Relief, Mother's Day,  Pancake Day, World Art Day, Easter Bonnet Parade, real chicks in EYFS



Please see the documents below for our half termly newsletter. You will also find the long/medium term planning, which will give a more detailed breakdown of the learning intentions your child will be covering on each half term. If you would like to discuss your child's learning in more detail, then we would be more than happy to speak with you. 


Class Teacher: Miss Briggs 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Trousdale + Miss Warburton


Hello and a big welcome to Receptions's class page. 

This year we will be participating in lots of exciting activities and challenges. We will be using this page to share and celebrate your child's achievements along with important school updates. 

In our Reception environment, they will learn independence, social skills as well as the wonderful maths, writing and reading they learn along the way. We always teach the child it is good to make mistakes and how to build confidence through a play-based, vocabulary rich curriculum. During our time together, we aim to give them the best tools and support to advance in these areas and to be ready for starting Year One. 

Reading Books - All of the children now have a phonics (Read, Write, Inc) home reading book. Please make sure children have their reading books and reading journals in school every day. Children will be sent home with a new RWI reading book on a WEDNESDAY to read over the week. These books and their level, link to the daily phonics groups and sessions the children are in at school. 

In addition to this, the children will continue to have a reading for pleasure book; the children are not expected to be able to read this book, but we ask that you read, enjoy and share this book with your child. 

Books will be changed each Wednesday. Please make sure that the book has been read at least 3 times and that an adult has written in the record to show this, or we will not be able to change their book. It is important that we read the books more than once to help build the children’s confidence in blending and segmenting. When your children can confidently ‘Fred talk-say the word’, please continue to re-read the book to build confidence and fluency in reading the words with more speed. Ask questionings about what they have read and can see, is also another great way to engage the children within their reading. Thank you for your continued support. 


Homework- The children will now have homework each week. Homework books will be sent home on a Friday each week, and we ask that they are returned by the following Wednesday please.  All of the work given is linked to our learning within class.

The children will be sharing the hard work they have completed within their homework books, with the rest of the class each Friday afternoon. Therefore, we kindly ask that you make sure that the work is completed and returned in time, as if the children have not returned their books, they sadly will not be able to do this.

Please ask the children to use pencil to complete their work neatly, just as they would in school. All of the children have all been given a special homework pencil to keep in their book bags, with their homework books. Although you may need to support your child, please do not do it for them. I am sure that they will be very excited to share their new learning with you at home, and I hope you enjoy the activities sent home. Thank you for your continued support!  Miss Briggs

Please take some time to keep updated on the schools facebook page and Evidence Me app - this is a fantastic tool to give you insight of what your child is busy doing in class. 

We love to see what the children get up to when they are not in school, so please do send us any photographs so we can share them in class. These can be uploaded onto 'Evidence Me' or emailed to the email address below. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to us on the door or contact the office and we will get in touch.

[email protected]

Diary Dates

Although we try our best to stick to what we have originally put in place, sometimes diary dates have to change - please see the weekly newsletters for the most up to date school events. 


Thank you, 

Miss Briggs



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North Walkden Primary School

Worsley, Manchester, Lancs, M28 3QD

General Enquiries - Mrs L Nolan - 0161 921 2921

SENDCo - Mrs J Thomas - 0161 9212921

0161 921 2921[email protected]