British Values

British Values

The New National curriculum 2014 states that all children should be taught British Values. At North Walkden we endeavour to promote and teach British Values across the curriculum, for example through history, RE and PSHE at an age appropriate level. Our whole school assemblies are often themed around British Values too.

Further information about British Values at North Walkden can be found in our policy available under the policies section on the website.

What are British Values?

According to the DfE, British Values are;

  1. Being able to influence the decision making process through the democratic process.

  2. Knowing that living under the rule of law protects the individual.

  3. Knowing that some public bodies (like the Courts) are independent of the control of politicians.

  4. Having the freedom and protection to choose and hold the belief / faith you want.

  5. Accepting that other people have their own faiths / beliefs / opinions, and that this is tolerated and not be the cause of discriminatory behaviour.

  6. Being able to identify and combat discrimination.

For further informtion please see below



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North Walkden Primary School

Worsley, Manchester, Lancs, M28 3QD

General Enquiries - Mrs L Nolan - 0161 921 2921

SENDCo - Mrs J Thomas - 0161 9212921

0161 921 2921[email protected]