School Council
North Walkden Primary School
Our School Council aims to prepare our pupils for citizenship by teaching them about roles, rights and responsibilities within the school system.
A class election is held at the beginning of this school year and children were given the opportunity to put forward their election speeches. All the children from each class then voted and two candidates were elected from each class from year 1 to year 6.
The school council will consider what improvements they are going to assist school with. They will meet regularly throughout the year and work on their agreed projects throughout the year.
At the end of the School Council’s meeting, everyone needs to know what they have to do next. Mrs Seddon makes sure members know what to do and what they have to say to their class.
Following the School Council Meetings, School Council Members speak to their class to let them know what is going on and tell the class about the issues being discussed and what is happening next. This will encourage more children to contribute to further meetings, share any worries and let members know the things which could be done to improve the school. The school will record School Council Achievements on the school newsletter as and when appropriate.