Learning Zone
Here you will find lots of great websites with fun games to help support your learning, just click on the links below and have fun !!
Please note that these links are checked before being published but we do not have any control over their content and would always recommend adult supervision.
Click the link above to access Purple Mash. The children all have an individual log in to use to access all the wonderful games and resources. The children are familiar with Purple Mash and use it often in their Computing lessons.
School subscribes to Times Table Rockstars! The children can log in and have weekly battles with other classes and Teachers. Practise regularly and win the trophy in Achievement Assembly.
Oak Academy has some great online lessons giving children the oppertunity to practise at home! Have a go- what can you learn at home?
In Key Stage 1 we use Read, Write Inc Phonics. Use the link to find some useful resources to use at home.
Signing up to the Oxford Owl website gives children the opportunity to read lots of ebooks for free.
Take a look at the attached documents for more ideas for Online Learning! | |