Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement


Name____________________________      Date____________________

The school will:

  • Create a warm, caring, happy and active environment.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and meets your child’s individual needs.
  • Encourage pupils to have high standards in all their work.
  • Operate a code of behaviour based upon reasoning and understanding.
  • Set homework in line with the school’s homework policy.
  • Actively welcome parents/carers into the life of the school and to be available, by mutual arrangement, to discuss any concerns about your child’s welfare and education


Head teacher’s signature                   H. Warburton


The parents/guardians will:

  • Make sure that my child attends regularly and punctually and provide an explanation if my child is absent or late.
  • Inform the school of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • Support the school’s aim to provide a well ordered, safe and caring environment.
  • Support the school’s policies* and guidelines regarding Online safety, Behaviour and Equal opportunities.
  • Support the school’s policy* regarding mobile phone use within school.
  • Support the school’s uniform policy*.
  • Support my child in doing homework and other home learning activities.
  • Attend parents’ evenings and other discussions about my child’s progress.
  • Ensure that I keep my email and telephone details up to date.


Parent’s/Guardian’s signature           --------------------------------------------------

The child will:

  • Come to school regularly and not be late.
  • Wear the school uniform and look smart.
  • Do all my classwork and my homework as best as I can.
  • Keep the school rules including online safety & use of mobile technology.
  • Take good care of the building and equipment
  • Be polite, honest and helpful to others.


Child’s signature                                 --------------------------------------------------

*All policies are available on the school website

North Walkden Primary School

Worsley, Manchester, Lancs, M28 3QD

General Enquiries - Mrs L Nolan - 0161 921 2921

SENDCo - Mrs Emma Cosgrave - 0161 9212921

0161 921 2921[email protected]