Some exciting events coming up in Year 3!

Date: 14th May 2018 @ 9:20am

Well we have got lots of exciting things coming up in Year 3 this week and next! This week we will be taking a walk to the library to research our new focus artist. We will be visiting the library on Wednesday afternoon and have lots of activites planned to help us with our research.


We also wanted to tell you about next week. In Year 3 we will be having a DT Food technology focus week in which we will be developing our food prepartion skills. Our focus will be 'Barmy about Bread!'. Children will be researching all different types of bread and fillings in order to design and make their own Super Sandwich!


If you would like to donate any bread or sandiwch fillings for our Barmy week, please send into school next week and we will be very grateful! smiley

North Walkden Primary School

Worsley, Manchester, Lancs, M28 3QD

General Enquiries - Mrs L Nolan - 0161 921 2921

SENDCo - Mrs J Thomas - 0161 9212921

0161 921 2921[email protected]